Archive for 2022
Port Market Sausage Sizzle for Mental Health

The Rotary Club of Mossman cooked up a storm, at Port Douglas Markets, on the last Sunday of October to raise some funds for Mental Health. It was hot work, as the weather was officially declared to be in heatwave conditions, but the soldiered on for such a worthy cause! Icy cold-water and soft drinks […]
Douglas Shire Volunteer’s Expo

Members of Mossman Rotary joined 29 other volunteer organisations at the inaugural Volunteer Expo in Mossman on Saturday. The event was organised to promote volunteering in Douglas Shire and to encourage people to consider joining one of the organisations that assist our community. It was an excellent opportunity to talk to prospective volunteers, promote Rotary […]
District Governor’s Visit to Mossman

The District Governor, John Hall, accompanied by Area Governor David Kirchner, visited Mossman Rotary at the end of September. Members were treated to an interesting presentation that inspired us to keep working to grow our club and work with other community groups to achieve our aims. John also presented a Rotary Citation to Mossman Rotary […]
Cairns Community Legal Centre Scams Presentation

Members and guests were treated to a virtual Scams Presentation in September, facilitated by Joanne Brennan, a Solicitor with Cairns Community Legal Centre. Joanne’s presentation was engaging and interactive with plenty of time for questions and personal experiences from the group. We learned not just about the many different scams but also how to avoid […]
Rotary Youth Driver Awareness

Year 11 students from Mossman High School were treated to an intensive road safety program at the Mossman Showgrounds in August thanks to Road Safety Education and the Rotary Club of Mossman. Local Police Officers facilitated some sessions as well as providing a Speeding and Stopping demonstration. Steven Lee from Port Douglas and Mossman Driving […]
Rotary Respite Garden at the Mossman Hospital

Members of the Rotary Club of Mossman presented a cheque for $20,000 to the Mossman Hospital to create a Rotary Respite Garden for patients and their families. This donation will enable an insulated shelter to be constructed in the garden and Mossman Rotary will be undertaking significant landscaping to beautify this area throughout the year,
Club Changeover at the Port Douglas Yacht Club

The Port Douglas Yacht Club was the venue for the Changeover Dinner for the Rotary Club of Mossman. Jan Stokes spoke about the achievements during the previous year and presented the Rotary Collar to 2022-2023 President Roby Kessler. Roby thanked all the members for their commitment and dedication before introducing his new Board Members and […]
Preview of the Garden of Plastic Mural at Paws and Claws

Rotarians were treated to a preview of the Garden of Plastics Mural and a tour of this outstanding facility at the new Paws and Claws Animal Shelter in Port Douglas. The mural was created by local children, with plastic bottle tops collected by Mossman Rotary, in conjunction with the Call of the Running Tide environmental […]